Roimata/Tear Drop
The Roimata which means "Tear Drop" is a comfort stone representing strength and courage. It can be gifted to people in times of grief to signify they are not alone through tough times.

Designed to symbolise the unfurling frond of the iconic silver fern.
Representing new beginnings, growth and harmony.

This symbol is acknowledged as a guardian symbol. Depicting the head of a bird, body of a man and tail of a fish.
The Manaia represents the balance between Ranginui (Sky Father), Tangaroa (God of the sea) and Papatuanuku (Mother Earth).

The Infinity Twist represents the eternal bond of love, friendship and loyalty between two people or cultures.
The Single twist represents a connection between two people, and a double/triple twist is a connection between more than two people.

Hei Tiki
To Maori the Hei Tiki was a revered taonga (treasure), but the origins of the Tiki are obscure.
To some the Hei Tiki is the first man created by Tane.
Tiki is said to have held a wealth of knowledge and is a great teacher of all things, the wearer of a Hei Tiki is said to also posses similar qualities.
The Hei Tiki is a revered taonga that is passed on as a family heirloom, in some areas the Hei Tiki would be buried with the guardian and later retrieved by the family and gifted to a family member holding many memories for years to come.
It is also believed by some to be a good luck charm and is regarded as a fertility symbol.

Hei Matau
Traditionally the Hei Matau was used for catching kai/food, to feed Maori.
There are many meanings that are associated with the Hei matau. Two of which are power and authority. It is typically worn by people who have a deep respect and connection with the ocean, the frequent traveller or someone/group who are heading abroad, as it is believed to provide good fortune and safety when travelling over water.
Manufacturer of Greenstone and high end jewellery products.
1174 Whakaue St, Rotorua, New Zealand